Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

About me

I came to Germany as a student in 2016. After two years of working remotely I finally moved to Hamburg in 2018. I have experienced life of a student, employee, mother and citizen. Through all these phases I have learned a lot, improved a lot and sometimes struggled. In all these year I discovered a lot of facts about how as an immigrant you can survive. I learn everyday and try to help other fellow immigrants with all the knowledge I have. This website is a way to give back to the community and help all who are new or looking for some information. I tried to put up as much as I know and also took some help of close friends. If it helps you in any ways, the purpose is served.

I know there is much more information which this small website is missing. You can always write me if you have suggestions, I will keep updating the content. If you want to advertise yourself as a volunteer or otherwise to help I will put it under the volunteers page soon.

You can always write me at info@thehamburgway.com
