How to?

First of all, congratulations and good luck for your journey.

  • After having a positive home test, your can look for a gynecologist you want to register with. There are many English-speaking gynecologists in Hamburg.
  • They normally take all their initial tests confirm the pregnancy and guide you about what is the plan for next few months.
  • Otherthan doctor you should also look for a Hebamme (Midwife), in germany its normal to have a doctor and Hebamme during your pregnancy. Your Hebamme will help your a lot once the baby is there. She will prepare your for birth and guide you once baby is born.Your insurance will pay for your Hebamme.
  • They will give a Mutterpass, which will contain all information and result and figures of the pregnancy. You are supposed to bring it with you for each appointment.
  • They will give a vaccination book, if you don't have one already. To keep the record of any vaccination you might get during this time.
  • Inform your doctor with all health & pregnancy history if this isn't your first.
  • Around 28th week of your pregnancy your should start looking for KITAs, if you plan to send your child to daycare (which is recommended).
  • You should also choose a hospital for birth and register yourself there.
  • You can invite your mother also to help you with the pregnancy, if that not the case for you then you can also get haushaltshilfe (help with house chores from a person).

Tips & Tricks

  • It's recommended to decide baby's name prior to birth.
  • The last name of the baby MUST BE the last name of the father.
  • You are required to apply for the birth certificate of the baby within 7 days after the birth.
  • Your baby can get german nationality if you are a legal resident for 8 years or one of the parent is german.
  • You should start preparing for baby's arrival in last two months.
  • If you plan to bring the baby home via car then u must use car-seat.
  • Baby's health insurance will be under father's, so you must inform your insurance accordingly.
  • If you are a working woman then you can take upto 3 years of maternity leave. You will get 100% of your salary during Mutterschutz(1 month before and 2 months after birth). After that you get 70% of your salary for 1 year. It gets less the next year and 3rd year you don't get paid. But you can get back to your job whenever you decide.
  • You can find a list of baby shops here

Useful Apps

You can try following Apps/Websites, ofcourse these aren't all & the list goes on...